SATURDAY, May 18, 2024
12PM ET – bid with us in person, online, absentee or by phone.
The gallery is open for preview Friday, May 17, from 10-4 AND auction day at 11 AM.

Important New York City skyline oil on canvas by RICHARD SCHMID, several paintings by original Florida HIGHWAYMEN School artists, as well as art by PETER MAX, Joan Miro, Peter Nadin, LEONARDO NIERMAN, Ron Griswold, Alexander Calder, Eduardo Chillida, James Hendricks, John Hamilton Mortimer, Conger Metcalf, Salvador Dali, Robert Wyland, Jean Cocteau, Dean Meeker, Pierre Villain, Marc Chagall, Leroy Neiman, Mary Bruce Sharon and many others. Sculpture by Ignacio Castaneda, Malcolm Alexander, Dustin Payne, Ken Rowe, Hans Dietrich and more. Also original 1930s Denmark travel posters.
Dozens of pieces of fine jewelry, including pendants, rings, bracelets and other items.
A massive estate collection of American and English sterling silver items, from George III to mid-20th century. Includes trophy cups, bowls, baskets and more.
Confederate Civil War soldier letters and documents, an 1840 slave document, several 1700s-1800s ship journals, original photos of JFK by his official photographer, Jacques Lowe. Many other interesting and unique pieces.
Several antique Chinese art pieces, as well as porcelain items.
Scarce postage stamps, gold coins, a $500 bill and a $1,000 bill, an original Apple Macintosh “Picasso” lighted display sign, rare custom knives, firearms and many more.
Online bidding available at the links below. Phone bids (greater of $100 or posted opening bid) and absentee bids accepted; please complete the form below. Phone and FaceTime previews available week of sale. In-person, phone and absentee bidders pay the lowest buyer premium of 17%. Starting 3/1/24, HiBid, our app, and BidSquare bidders pay 20% buyer premium and Invaluable and Live Auctioneers bidders pay 22%. Not local? No problem – we can ship some items worldwide and provide you with a list of shippers for the other items. Each item is marked in the catalog as to whether we can ship in-house – please note this when bidding.
PLEASE NOTE OUR TERMS REGARDING INVOICES, PAYMENTS AND SHIPPING. When you register to bid through any of our venues, you agree to our terms.
The ICONIC Sale: Legends June 8th
Exceptional Estates Auction July 13th
Collectibles Countdown Auction TBD