Use the links below to bid in our current auction

SATURDAY, March 15, 2025

12PM ET – bid with us in person, online, absentee or by phone.

The gallery is open for preview Friday, March 14, from 10-4 AND auction day at 11 AM.


Alexander Calder

La Tache Bleue 1975 tapestry

Charles Limbert

Circa 1910 Arts & Crafts hammered copper

Guy Harvey

8 feet high original painting

Archimede Seguso

Pair of art glass fish

Achille Emile Othon Friesz

Miniature painting in brooch

Dale Chihuly

Glass basket

Tony Bennett

Original San Francisco painting

Dietz Edzard

Painting of nude

Marc Chagall

Mourlot 1963 deluxe edition lithographs

Pablo Picasso

One of several signed lithographs

Alexander Calder

Attributed original gouache

Romero Britto

Signed and numbered unicorn figure

Sandu Darie

Geometric sculpture

Concho belt

Vintage Native American sterling silver

Joan Miro

La Bleu de la Cible, signed aquatint

What are the Factors That Affect the Value of a Painting

Salvador Dali

Les Diners de Gala, with suite of 12 signed lithos


This auction represents the best selection of fine art we’ve handled in a single sale. Originals and multiples by Andy Warhol, Pablo Picasso, Alexander Calder, Joan Miro, Salvador Dali, George Braque, Guy Harvey, Robert Wyland, Peter Max, James Montgomery Flagg, Ed Ruscha, Marc Chagall, Sandu Darie, Dietz Edzard, Tony Bennett, Emile Othon Friesz, Zamy Steynovitz, Dr. Seuss, Rene Portocarrero, Lolo Soldevilla, Leighton Jones, Peter Robert Keil, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Robert Lewis, Frank Myers Boggs, Frank DiVita and many others.



An Art Deco period 1920s Tiffany & Co. platinum diamond brooch and other fine jewelry.



A large selection of handguns and rifles, most notably a large collection of scarce Rugers, most of them new in box.



Dale Chihuly art glass basket, Charles Limbert Arts & Crafts lamp, key graded U.S. coins (such as a graded AU53 1877 Indian Head cent and several trade dollars), French SFBJ doll, Tiffany sterling silver flatware set, antique Leitz microscopes and vintage Leitz binoculars, a baseball signed by Dizzy Dean and other HOFers, a like-new Chanel boy bag, Arrowsmith’s Atlas to Thompson’s Alcedo (1816), Regina music boxes, pair of Archimede Seguso art glass fish, and much, much more – something for everyone in this sale.


Do not miss browsing the catalog.


PLEASE NOTE OUR TERMS REGARDING INVOICES, PAYMENTS, AND SHIPPING. When you register to bid, you agree to our terms.

Online bidding available through our app, Bidsquare, Live Auctioneers, Invaluable, and HiBid. Phone bids (greater of $100 or posted opening bid) and absentee bids accepted — form is on our website.*Our in-house buyer premium is 17% and applies to bids placed in person, absentee, by phone. Our online buyer premium is 20% on our app, HiBid and BidSquare, 22% on Live Auctioneers,  and Invaluable/AuctionZip. Not local? No problem – we can ship some items worldwide and provide you with a list of shippers for the other items. 

Online bidding available at the links below. Phone bids (greater of $100 or posted opening bid) and absentee bids accepted; please complete the form below. Phone and FaceTime previews available week of sale. In-person, phone and absentee bidders pay the lowest buyer premium of 17%. HiBid, our app, and BidSquare bidders pay 20% buyer premium and Invaluable and Live Auctioneers bidders pay 22%. Not local? No problem – we can ship some items worldwide and provide you with a list of shippers for the other items. Each item is marked in the catalog as to whether we can ship in-house – please note this when bidding. 

PLEASE NOTE OUR TERMS REGARDING INVOICES, PAYMENTS AND SHIPPING. When you register to bid through any of our venues, you agree to our terms.

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