This guy I knew

This guy I knew

Some time around 2001, I noticed that the antique mall booth next to mine was selling everything at half off. The booth was in a prime spot: a corner of the main aisle. And they were moving out. Seeing the opportunity to expand my 100-square-foot empire by colonizing...
Not a good sign

Not a good sign

Many years ago, I spotted an eBay listing for a signed copy of Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. It was an old book, to be sure — a late 1890s printing. Anyway, I wrote to the seller and said that, prior to bidding, I really needed to know 1) the condition of...
So what makes something valuable?

So what makes something valuable?

“That’s actually not old.” “Oh, yes it is,” my client snorts. “It belonged to my grandma, so I know it’s old.” “Maybe she had one similar to it,” I reply, trying to give this person an out. Because sadly, I...
Got any sports cards?

Got any sports cards?

Over the years, I’ve had to deliver not-so-good news to clients on housecalls. The usual scenario goes something like this: They show me some old treasure, and I tell them (very gently) that it’s not worth what they thought it was, sometimes by a...
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